Welcome To


24th  to 26th  March 2025, SIT Campus.

In Association with

Code your Life

Welcome to the SIT TECHNOVA 2025

An exhilarating opportunity to participate in various Competitions designed to foster innovation and creativity in various technical domains. Organized by the Shetty Institute of Technology & Innovation Partner THUB, COMEDKARES, IEEE & IIC, this hackathon invites undergraduate students to come together and address some of the most pressing challenges.

Event @ Technova

Epicthon 2.0

25th and 26th March 2025

Robotic Competition

24th March 2025

Reverse Coding

25th March 2025

Whats is an SIT Epicthon 2.0?


Epicthon 2.0 is an event that fosters innovation intended mainly to technology development. An SIT TECHNOVA/Epicthon 2.0 is an event planned to identify existing challenges in the AI/Robotic/UAV domain and for which tech solutions are proposed. Over a period of 24 hours, Individual Innovators or Startups, a team of maximum 4 members are asked to HACK probable solutions to a series of identified problem statements for the AI/Robotic/UAV and its allied sectors. This event is designed not only help solve problems, but bridge the gap between rural and urban communities.

  • To provide a platform for Students/Innovators to come up with innovative solutions for key challenges in the robotic-sector and creating AI/Robotic/UAV start-ups.
  • To identify and nurture innovations in the domains of AI/Robotic/UAV and allied sector.
  • To highlight funding opportunities for scale up.
  • To organize competition events for students/Innovators on viable solutions to the societal problems predominantly robotics and allied sector.
  • To identify innovations having applications in the rural sector which can provide value proposition addressing the key challenges.

Individual Innovators or Startups, a team of maximum 4 members with knowledge, skills or an interest in: hardware & software engineering, computer science, AI, Robotics and UAV.

We are looking for Individuals/group and Start-ups that have developed or are developing technology based innovations that have the potential to create impact in the area of the AI Technology particularly in robotics & UAV and demonstrate business model sustainability.

You are eligible to apply if you are
• A startup
• An innovator
• Student

• The solution must be focused on the given problem statements only and no deviation is entitled.
• Time duration is 24 hrs to hack the problem.
• Any Web/Mobile platform or physical space can be used to suggest solution.
• The proposed solutions must have a Prototype before the jury.
• Maximum team carrying of 4 members.

  • Registration Open from: 15th February 2025
  • Deadline for Applications: 15th March 2025
  • Time duration 24 Hours
  • The final event will be held from 25th March 2025 to 26th March 2025
  • Incubation Support for next 12-18 Months and Seed Funding Facility for viable Solutions
  1. Cash Prize
    a. 40000/-
    b. 20000/-
    c. 10000/-
  2. Incubation and Mentoring Support
  3. Access to various fund
Problem IDProblem StatementChallenge Description with contextExcepted Outcome
1Development of Smart system from handicrafts/Agri-products to Consumer.In todays, farming scenario thier is lot of scope for agricultural market like agri-products & handicraft, however due to challenges like post harvest issue like burning of crops & its associated wastages, to address this challenges there is a need for smart systems Develop a smart system that addresses the issue(s)of agricultural & handicraft products
2Smart Waste Management System.In the present day scenario, many times we see that the garbage bins or Dust bins placed at public places in the cities are overflowing due to increase in the waste every day. It creates an unhygienic condition for the people and creates a bad smell around the surroundings that leads to the spread of some deadly diseases & human illness. Design a “IoT Based Waste Management for Smart Cities " which can overcome these problemsDevelop a model/prototype which helps in overcoming these problems
3Digital Innovation in Land Surveying.Digital Land Survey encourages community members to actively participate in the planning process through interactive and engaging activities using Interactive MapsDevelop a software that helps villagers plan their village's development
4Quality Checking Smart Devices for Agri Products.By using various smart agriculture gadgets farmers have gained better control over the process of growing crops making it more predictable & improving its efficiency, however there is a need to check their quality to met the requirement on hygiene and its associated health parameters Develop a smart system that caters to the need of quality check in terms of hygiene and its associated health parameters on agri-products
5Biodegradable Packaging from Agro-Waste.Agriculture based industries produce a large amount of agro-waste from various agricultural activities. One-third of total agri product produce globally goes into wastage; However this agro-waste can be used in multiple sectors post processing. Develop a smart system for handling agricultural product waste
6Wearable Tech for Mental Health Tracking.Mental health is one of the desperate needs of current digital era. Due to rapid development of technology and people needs, we are under constant pressure that leads to stress, hence to lead a mentally peaceful life there is need of technical intervention/counselor for mental health. Develop a wearable smart system to track mental health of humans.

Robotic Competitions

In this exciting group of competitions you will design and build a wire or wireless robots and take part in RoboRace, RoboSoccer, RoboArt and Line Follower challenges. The mission is to navigate through a dynamic track filled with obstacles testing not just speed, but precision, strategic thinking and planning. These events call for technical skill in robot building and handling. Unleash your bot and compete for glory in ulitmate robotic competitions.


Support Document

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Robo Soccer

Support Document

Download PDF

Robo Art

Support Document

Download PDF

Line Follow Challenge

Support Document

Download PDF

Reverse Coding

This event involves participants working backwards from give output to get the original program or algorithm. This will test your programming, technical and problem solving skills. Here you will be provided with the final output of a program or an algorithm and your task will be to reverse engineer the code or program that deduce the final output. It is an excellent way to test debugging, logical building, and reasoning skills where coder needs to debug the original process to generate the given output.

Event Date – 25th March 2025

Register here for the event

Robotic Competiton

₹ 500
  • RoboRace
  • RoboSoccer
  • RoboArt
  • Line Follower Challenge

Epicthon 2.0

₹ 2000
  • Time duration is 24 hrs to hack the problem.
  • Maximum team carrying of 4 members.
  • Individuals, Social Enterprises and Start-ups can apply
  • The proposed solutions must have a Prototype before the jury

Reverse Coding

₹ 500
  • Available tickets for this price
  • One Day Conference Ticket
  • Coffee-break & Networking

Get to the venue


Get Direction the Event Hall

 Shetty Education Hub, Shahbad Rd, Kalaburagi, Karnataka 585105, India

Enrollment form for Clubs

Enrollment students
Choose your club of interest