To attain the gap between Industries and academics, students will be trained on
core Emerging Technologies through SSDC.

SIT student skill development

collaborations for skill development


Students from SIT College have excelled in various academic disciplines, consistently securing top ranks in university examinations. The college’s emphasis on practical learning and industry-oriented curriculum has empowered graduates to seamlessly transition into the professional sphere. Many alumni have carved a niche for themselves in their respective fields, showcasing the high quality of education imparted at SIT College.

Beyond academics, SIT College encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities, fostering a well-rounded skill set. The college has witnessed its students shine in intercollegiate competitions, sports events, and cultural festivals, bringing laurels not only to themselves but also to the institution.

SIT College takes pride in the achievements of its students, considering them not just as individuals who excel academically but as future leaders and contributors to society. The college’s commitment to nurturing talent and fostering a culture of excellence continues to be reflected in the ongoing and evolving success stories of its students.


Mr. Sanni kumar (3rd Year CS), Mr. Sumeet Hibare (3rd Year CS), Mr.Vinay S Buddhi (3rd year CS) , Mr. Somesh Hotkar (3rd Year CS), Mr.Harish Reddy (2nd Year AIML) Presented Project and Secured “BRONZE MEDAL” in INEX INDIA International Innovation And Invention Expo 2023,GOA

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